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BCRC Number: 80505 Add To Bookmark
Organism: Azospirillum fermentarium
Author: Lin et al.
History: << NCHU, C. C. Young, CC-LY743 (deposited as Azospirillum sp.)
Source: fermenter
Isolated Info:
    Isolated location: Taiwan
Growth Conditions: 30°C 30 day(s)
Biosafety Level: 1
Special Requirement: 限研究試驗用:申請分讓者瞭解並同意本生物物質限試驗或研究用。受分讓者欲對本生物物質、複製物或修飾物進行營利使用時,應與本生物物質提供者另行簽訂契約並協商利益回饋。For experimental or research purposes only: If the recipient wishes to use the biological material, duplicates, or derivatives for commercial purposes, the recipient shall negotiate with the depositor for another agreement.
Oxygen Requirement: Aerobic
Local Strain: YES
Reference: B2197
Type Strain: YES
    Reference: B2197
Freeze-Dried for all NTD$ 3500 Order this item


Lin, S. Y., Y. C. Liu, A. Hameed, Y. H. Hsu, W. A. Lai, F. T. Shen, and C. C. Young. 2013. Azospirillum fermentarium sp. nov., a nitrogen-fixing species isolated from a fermenter. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 63 : 3762.


Bacto Protesost Peptone No. 30.5 g
Bacto Casamino Acids0.5 g
Bacto Dextrose0.5 g
Soluble Starch0.5 g
Potassium phosphate, Didbasic0.3 g
Bacto Yeast Extract0.5 g
Magnesium sulfate0.05 g
Bacto Agar15.0 g
Distilled water1.0 L
Sodium Pyruvate0.3 g
Final pH 7.2; adjust with crystalline K2HPO4 or KH2PO4 before adding agar. Add agar, heat medium to boiling to dissolve agar, and autoclave for 15 min at 121°C.


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