Cell Line

BCRC Number: 60126 Add To Bookmark
Name: MDBK (NBL-1)
Type: Bovine normal kidney
Species: Bos taurus (bovine)
Age Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Tissue: Kidney; normal

Morphology: Epithelial
Split Ratio: 1:2 to 1:4
Isoenzyme Analysis: NP; G6PD; MD; LD
Mycoplasma Test: Negative
Cytogenetics: hypodiploid
Karyology: Hypodiploid
Virus resistance: poliovirus 2
Virus susceptibility: vesicular stomatitis (Indiana); infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus; bovine parvovirus; bovine adenovirus I, III; bovine viral diarrhea viruses; parainfluenzavirus 3

Incubation Temp(°C): 37°C
Incubation Condition: 5% CO2
Culture Medium: 90% Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium + 10% fetal bovine serum
Growth Property: Adherent
SubCulture Procedure: trypsin-EDTA
Freezed Medium: 93% culture medium + 7% DMSO
Medium Renewal: every 2 to 3 days

Description: derived from a kidney of an apparently normal adult steer; the cells are positive for keratin by immunofluorescence; the line has been shown to be free of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)
Product Character: keratin

Image / Description:   200倍視野下

Biosafety Level: 1
Reference: Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 98: 574-576, 1958; J. Virol. Methods 48: 211-221, 1994
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