Cell Line

BCRC Number: 60101 Add To Bookmark
Name: HeLa S3
Type: Human cervical epitheloid carcinoma
Species: Homo sapiens (human)
Strain Ethnicity: Black
Age Stage: 31 years
Gender: Female
Tissue: Cervix; adenocarcinoma

Morphology: Epithelial
Split Ratio: 1:2 to 1:10
Isoenzyme Analysis: NP; G6PD, A; MD; LD
Mycoplasma Test: Negative
Cytogenetics: A medium-sized metacentric marker is present in 100% of the cells. HeLa Markers: One copy of M1, one copy of M2, two copies of M3, and one copy of M4.
Karyology: Hyperdiploid with four HeLa marker chromosomes
Virus susceptibility: poliovirus 1, 2, 3; vesicular stomatitis (Indiana); encephalomyocarditis; adenovirus 5

Incubation Temp(°C): 37°C
Incubation Condition: 5% CO2
Culture Medium: 90% Ham’s F-12K medium with 2 mM L-glutamine adjusted to contain 1.5 g/L sodium bicarbonate + 10% fetal bovine serum
Growth Property: Adherent
SubCulture Procedure: trypsin-EDTA
Freezed Medium: 93% culture medium + 7% DMSO
Medium Renewal: every 2 to 3 days

Description: this is a clonal derivative of the parent HeLa line (see BCRC 60005; the HeLa S3 clone has been very useful in the clonal analysis of mammalian cell populations relating to chromosomal variation, cell nutrition, and plaque-forming ability.
Others: STR-PCR profile — D7S820:8, 12 CSF1PO:9, 10 TH01:7 D13S317:14 D16S539:9, 10 vWA:16, 18 TPOX:8, 12 Amelogenin:X D5S818:11, 12
Product Character: keratin

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Biosafety Level: 2
Biosafety Description: Note: HeLa cells have been reported to contain human papilloma virus 18 (HPV-18) sequences (Am. J. Pathol. 119: 361-366, 1985).
Reference: J. Exp. Med. 103:273-284, 1956; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 41: 432-437, 1955; J. Exp. Med. 104:427-434, 1956; Methods Enzymol. 5: 90-119, 1962; Rev. Mod. Phys. 31:433-448, 1959; Science (Washington, DC) 126:961-964, 1957; Virology 8:223-229, 1959
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